The San Diego Orchid Fair is an early fall show and sale that was been held for the first several years at Quail Botanical Gardens. Last year, it was moved to the Del Mar Fairgrounds with a much larger exhibit and sales area, although all the displays were limited to tabletops. This year, the show was larger with a few more sales booths and displays. Our hat is off to Greg Luetticke who was the driving force behind this show and its move to a bigger and better location, John Walters who pulled this year's show together, and Quail Botanical Gardens, who assumed the sponsorship of the show. This is a photographic review of the some of the new and more interesting things that we saw at the show, and the plants awarded at the show. Click on the thumbnail to bring up a larger image (size shown in kilobytes).
The Orchid House had a nice mix of several different genera in their display, as usual, including a wonderful Dtps. Hsinying City 'Ching Hua' which was judged to be the best phal in the show. 63 kb. |  |
One of the most impressive displays was the reed stem epidendrum display of Yamada Orchids. 85 kb. |  |
One of the epidendrums in the Yamada display was this Epidendrum Helen's Pride 'Kauai' which received an HCC/AOS at the show. 46 kb. |  |
This is a close up photo of Epidendrum Helen's Pride 'Kauai' HCC/AOS at the show. 46 kb. |  |
Another of the epidendrums in the Yamada display was this Epidendrum Marsha 'Kauai' which also received an HCC/AOS at the show. The variegated red over yellow was most unusual. 83 kb. |  |
This is a close up photo of Epidendrum Marsha 'Kauai' HCC/AOS which shows the color variegation. 75 kb. |  |
This Epidendrum Psychesan 'Saiki' received an AM/AOS at the show for the Yamada Co. This is one of the best formed reed stem epidendrums I have seen. 65 kb. |  |
This close up photo shows the excellent form and color of Epidendrum Psychesan 'Saiki' AM/AOS. 64 kb. |  |
Andy Phillips and Andy's Orchids manages to get the most out of a single tabletop display with a display taller than the length of the table. It pays off, and Andy received the AOS Show Trophy for his effort. 50 kb. |  |
Andy's display is limited to species only. This plant of Coelogyne rouchenii is a yellow species with a crystalline texture. 49 kb. |  |
Another of Andy's species was this specimen plant of Isochilus major which filled out one end of the table. 78 kb. |  |
Andy also entered this very attractive Stenoglottus longifolium. 41 kb. |  |
Stellis allenii was another of the species in Andy's display. 64 kb. |  |
The Orchid Connection entered this display of small flowered plants. 67 kb. |  |
Mormodes maculata was one of the nice plants in the Orchid Connection display. 70 kb. |  |
Bird Rock Tropicals had a very attractive display with a number of different types of orchids. 52 kb. |  |
This stunning Laelia anceps 'disciplinata' was one of the striking plants in the Bird Rock Tropicals display. This feathered bluish purple flower is unique. 42kb. |  |
This plant of Elleanthus oliganthus was another of the interesting orchids in the Bird Rock Tropicals display. 55 kb. |  |
We put in a tabletop display with a number of cymbidiums, paphs and zygopetalums. 56 kb. |  |
One unusual plant we had in our display was this Catasetum microglossum. Like most catasetums, the flowers of this plant are short lived with a life of about 5 days; two days to open, one day of perfection and another two days closing. This photo was taken on the fourth day as the flower was closing and the lip was reflexing back. 47 kb. |  |
We grow quite a few zygopetalums, and had several in our display, including this plant of Z. Helen-Ku 'Dark Knight' which had 4 or 5 spikes of dark burgundy brown flowers with solid bluish purple lips. 57 kb. |  |
One of the first bloom seedling cymbidiums in our display was this fragrant medium pink Cym. Pirate Cove. Both parents are primary Peter Pan hybrids and the early blooming season and fragrance trace back to Peter Pan. 74 kb. |  |
Another first bloom seedling cymbidium in our display was this Cym. Piki, which is a hybrid from Cym. munronianum. Many munronianum hybrids bloom very early with tall straight upright spikes, as this plant has. 60 kb. |  |
This red Cym. Floriflame was another of the first bloom Cym. Peter Pan hybrids in our display. Like most Peter Pan hybrids, the flower was nicely fragrant. 57 kb. |  |
Orchidanica showed this spectacular intensely patterned Cattleya (aclandiae x Landate). 64 kb. |  |
Gary Pierwola put in this display with a number of nice cattleyas. 80 kb. |  |
One of the more unusual plants in the show was this Catasetum (expansum x sanguineum). The lip on this plant is not a dark wine color as is common, but is truly black! The only problem is I couldn't find out whose plant it was to put my name on the list for a division. 44 kb. |  |
Blue orchids are rare, and blue dendrobiums are equally uncommon. This Den. victoria regina brought in by Ivan and Ro Harrison was a beautiful bluish purple. 47 kb. |  |
Bird Rock Tropicals also had a very nice variegated pink phalaenopsis in their display. 62 kb. |  |