This is a review of the 2000 Santa Barbara show held March 31 - April 2, 2000 at the Earl Warren Showgrounds. The Santa Barbara show is one of the largest on the west coast with 71 individual displays this year. The cymbidium season in the Santa Barbara area was a little late this year, with most growers indicating plants to be delayed by about 2 weeks. The number and overall quality of cymbidiums in the show this year was similar to years past. We have included pictures and descriptions of many of the plants and displays awarded during the show and other interesting flowers or plants. Click on the thumbnail image to bring up a larger image (size shown in kilobytes).
The Santa Barbara area is in the heart of cymbidium country. Gallup & Stribling, the world's largest orchid grower with 45 acres, mostly in cymbidiums, has consistently set a high standard for large standard cut flower cymbidiums in the Santa Barbara show. They had their usual collection of cut flower cymbidiums again this year, and included some high color seedlings for a change. They had the Reserve Champion, Cym. Sleeping Dawn 'Dos Pueblos Alba' This is a photo of a part of their display. 63 kb. |  |
One of the more interesting Cymbidiums in the G&S display was this first bloom seedling of Cym. (Mighty Sunset x Pontac) 'Kellene's Dance' which received a B/CSA. There were 5 plants of this cross in the display, all in red to orange shades. 56 kb. |  |
This is another of the first bloom seedlings of Cym. (Mighty Sunset x Pontac). This was more of an orange shade, and was very attractive. Most of these were about 4 inches across. 52 kb. |  |
Another plant in the G&S display was Cym. ((Via Vista x Winter Fair) x Robert Rowe) 'Mairead's Choice' which also received a B/CSA. It was a 5 inch crystalline white flower on a tall spike. 44 kb. |  |
The Malibu Orchid Society puts in a large display in each Santa Barbara show. This year, their display covered an entire corner of the hall, and was about 30 feet across. There was a background of mixed orchids in flower around the entire back wall, with an island of mixed orchids toward the front. Large festive decorations hanging over the island dominated the display from a distance. This display received the AOS Show Trophy. 71 kb. |  |
Casa de las Orquideas had a display of all cymbidiums including many high color and unusual types. All of their plants are grown and flowered outdoors, and are brought under plastic cover only when the first buds start to open. This shows one side of the display showing the complete color range available in modern cymbidiums. 81 kb. |  |
This shows another side of the display showing a wide range of red and intense pink cymbidiums. The intense dark pink cymbidium in the foreground is Cym. Dorothy Rowe 'Showoff' B/CSA. 83 kb. |  |
This shows a third side of the display showing a wide range of brown, bronze, orange, yellow and green. The bright bronze cymbidium in the foreground is Cym. Persian Gold. 77 kb. |  |
The Grand Champion Cymbidium of the show was Cym. Woody Wilson 'Ann' HCC/AOS S/CSA shown by Loren and Nancy Batchman of Casa de las Orquideas. This plant had 18 very heavy flowers more than 5 inches across on the spike. This superb white doesn't sunstain when grown outdoors, as can be seen here. 41 kb. |  |
Another extraordinary colored cymbidium in the Casa de las Orquideas display was this Cym. Caripepper 'Sunset'. 70 kb. |  |
This Cym. Foxy Lady 'Nancy' was a very nice bronze colored novelty cymbidium with an arching to pendant spike bred from Cym. Touchstone. This plant in the Casa de las Orquideas display had 6 spikes and about 110 flowers in a 6 inch pot. 69 kb. |  |
Cym. Ruby Girl 'Helen' was another dark wine red novelty cymbidium in the Casa de las Orquideas display. 56 kb. |  |
Smoky burgundy is the unusual red color of this first bloom Cym. Howlin' Coyote seedling in the Casa de las Orquideas display. 63 kb. |  |
This cute display was put in by Al and Sandy Svoboda, Alsan's Orcids. 78 kb. |  |
Butterfly Orchids put in this tabletop display of several different genera. 80 kb. |  |
The Orchid Society of Santa Barbara put in this display with several different genera. 92 kb. |  |
This is another view of the Orchid Society of Santa Barbara display. 85 kb. |  |
This plant of Dendrobium delicata was located in the Orchid Society of Santa Barbara display. I believe this plant won the trophy for the best species. 98 kb. |  |
The Orchid Society of Santa Barbara display contained this plant of Phrag. St. Owen 'Betty Isabel' which received an HCC/AOS and a B/CSA. 51 kb. |  |
This plant of Paph. Stargate 'Betty' received a B/CSA and was also located in the Orchid Society of Santa Barbara display. 66 kb. |  |
Sunset Orchids has some of the best lycastes, miltonias and odontoglossum alliance orchids. This is their display in the 2000 Santa Barbara show. 73 kb. |  |
Sunset Orchids showed this Oda. Shelly 'Spring Dress' which received an AM/AOS. 64 kb. |  |
Sunset Orchids showed this great Odontoglossum crispum 'Sweet Lace' which also received an AM/AOS. 49 kb. |  |
Sunset Orchids also showed this Odontoglossum Mount Shasta 'Sunset Star' which received an AM/AOS. 64 kb. |  |
Lance Schroeder displayed a number of paphs and phrags, including this plant of Paph. chamberlainianum 'Princess Hillary'. 45 kb. |  |
Another of the Phrags shown by Lance Schroeder was Phrag. Don Wimber 'Bold Beauty' which received a B/CSA. The photo is a little out of focus, but the form and color are exceptional in this flower. 51 kb. |  |
Lance Schroeder also showed this Phrag. ecuadorense 'Twisted Sisters' which also received a B/CSA. 46 kb. |  |
Another longtime Santa Barbara area grower is Stewart Orchids. Their 2000 Santa Barbara display shown here had some of the fine catts for which they are famous as well as paphs and phals. 61k kb. |  |
The Dickey Collection entered this display in the show with several genera. The majority of the plants were in the cattleya alliance. 62 kb. |  |
The Orchid Park had several nice plants in a display dominated by a large silver obelisk surrounded by a moat. 60 kb. |  |
The Seeburgs put in a display featuring a carved wooden statue in the midst of cattleyas in a garden setting. 73 kb. |  |
The show theme was Orchid Odyssey 2000, and a number of displays had a futuristic bent, as does this display by South Pacific Orchids. 70 kb. |  |
The Santa Barbara Cymbidium Society could have driven their display into the showgrounds. As it was, an old classic was surrounded by and filled with recent cymbidium hybrids. 58 kb. |  |
This plant of Cym. Nostradamus 'Big Boy' was exhibited by Ralph Kashima in the Santa Barbara Cymbidium Society display, and received an HCC/AOS. 61 kb. |  |
Tony Velarde and Grant Cole put together a bright display filled with mirrors and silver foil along with a number of fine cymbidiums. 76 kb. |  |
Walter Imai and some of his friends put in this elegant display which featured a number of nice pure color white, yellow and green cymbidiums, along with some nice red cymbidiums. 58 kb. |  |