What's New at the Casa 1999 Volume 1

This is a photographic review of the some of the new and more interesting things that have come out of our hybridizing program in the 1999 season. Most of these plants are seedlings flowering for the first time, and we do not have divisions available for sale at this time. We include them to demonstrate the range of color and form available with modern Cymbidium hybridizing, and to show the progress of hybridizing in new directions. Many of these may be available in the next several years as meristem plantlets. Click on the thumbnail to bring up a larger image (size shown in kilobytes).

Cym. Polly Stark 'Charm', as shown here, is a charming October flowering pink bred from Cym. Peter Pan 'Greensleeves 4N' and Cym. Robert Rowe. Although not exactly new, this is the first photograph we have taken of this plant. It has the best form we have seen in a Polly Stark, and bloomed with 9 spikes in an 8 inch pot and about 160 flowers. 39 kb. Cym. Polly Stark 'Charm'
Cym. Floriflame (LB 749) is a sibling cross of two of our best plants from the cross of Cym. Peter Pan 'Greensleeves' 4N with Cym. Red Beauty 'Hanny' 4N, and is bred to be early flowering. This unnamed cultivar is blooming less than 3 years from flask with 5 flowers 3.25 inches across in October, 1998. This is the first plant of the cross to flower. 36 kb.Cym. Floriflame first bloom
This plant of (Cym. Sleeping Dawn x Cym. Sussex Dawn)(LB 635) is the first of the cross to flower. Like many of the pure color hybrids, these seem to take a little longer to get to flowering size, but the exceptional clear colors is usually worth the wait. This plant has 12 flowers 4 inches across on a medium stem, and bloomed in mid December 1998. 44 kb. Cym. Sleeping Dawn x Cym Sussex Dawn
This plant of Cym. Red Beauty 'Carmen 4N' x Cym Ruby Eyes 'Red Baron 4N' AM/AOS (LB 716) is the first of the cross to flower, 3 years from the flask, and is blooming in Late December. The dark color from Ruby Eyes usually comes through as it has in this plant blooming in December, 1998. 42 kb. Cym Red Beauty x Ruby Eyes
Another plant of the Cym. Red Beauty 'Carmen 4N' x Cym Ruby Eyes 'Red Baron 4N' AM/AOS (LB 716) is the second of the cross to flower, 3 years from the flask. This plant is blooming in December, 1998. 39 kb. Cym Red Beauty x Ruby Eyes
Another plant of the Cym. Red Beauty 'Carmen 4N' x Cym Ruby Eyes 'Red Baron 4N' AM/AOS (LB 716) is another of the cross to flower, 3 years from the flask. This plant is blooming in January, 1999. 37 kb. Cym Red Beauty x Ruby Eyes
This plant of Cym. Lemon Butter x Cym. Baltic Honey 'Solana Beach (LB 697) is the first of the cross to flower, 3.5 years from the flask. There were about 9 flowers 4.5 inches across blooming in early December. We have bloomed several more of these in December, and all have been very much alike. The flowers do sunstain a bit under our 55% shadecloth, but they are still nice greens. 52 kb. Cym. Lemon Butter x Cym Baltic Honey
We made the cross of Cym. Mouse Eyes (Mighty Mouse x Ruby Eyes 'Red Baron' 4N) (LB 701) as a pot plant novelty cross with small dark flowers. This is the first plant of the cross to flower, 3 years from flask, and it is just about what we expected with 6 flowers blooming in December on a compact plant. 40 kb. Cym. Mouse Eyes
This plant is a first bloom Cym. Claude Pepper from the sibling cross (LB 651) of 'Pye's Pa' x 'Buckland's Beach'. Most are similar in color and form to the parents. This plant bloomed in early January 1999. 44 kb. Cym. Claude Pepper
The Cym. Clarisse Pepper cross (LB 648) is producing mostly medium red flowers as shown here with this first bloom seedling, blooming in December 1998. 42 kb.Cym. Clarisse Pepper
I am fascinated by unusual Cymbidiums such as the spotted, striped or peloric forms. This odd cross of Cym. Pywacket (tracyanum x Tethys) raises the definition of odd cymbidiums to a new level. With the open spidery form of tracyanum, this orange spotted flower is both ugly and very charming at the same time, and should get a lot of interesting comments from the artsy crowd. 46 kb. Cym. Pywacket
Cym. Sleeping Angel (Cym. Sleeping Dawn 'Pristine' x Cym. Olymilum 'White Elf' 4N) (LB 637) is a delightful second generation pumilum cross. Most of these have been sparkling white with pastel pink spotting on the lip, some have been light green and many have had multiple spikes. This first bloom seedling has the most pink on the lip of those we have seen so far, and bloomed in early December. 38 kb. Cym. Sleeping Angel
Most cymbidium seedlings don't bloom until they have several bulbs. Occasionally, one will flower in a 3 inch pot, but I have never seen anything like this before. This plant of the primary hybrid Cym. (pumilum (floribundum) x parishii) (Rowland 94-470) is flowering in December with two spikes and 16 flowers with one small bulb and growth in a 3 inch pot, and less than 2.5 years from flask. I think the flower is ugly, but one of our customers wants up to 10,000 of these a year blooming in 3 inch pots. I'll bloom it again to see if this was just a fluke before we do anything with it. 89kb. Cym. (pumilum x parishii)
Cym. Street Hawk (Cym. Claude Pepper x Ruby Eyes 'Red Baron' 4N) is a great dark wine red cross with a number of awards. This is a first bloom seedling of the remake (LB 717) made with Claude Pepper 'Dragon's Blood', and has the same great color as the original, and is blooming in December. 35 kb. Cym. Street Hawk
This first bloom seedling of Cym. Harry's Elf (Victoria Arvanitis x Olymilum) is the first of the cross to flower. It has very heavy substance and two strong, tall, straight upright spikes with 13 flowers each, 2.5 inches across on a small plant blooming in December. Shown at the San Diego show in March 1998 for the first time. 42 kb. Cym. Harry's Elf
Our dew laden winter nights in Southern California can transform the shade cloth covering of our growing area into a jeweled spectacle when the sun first strikes it in the morning. Each dew drop hanging from the shadecloth scatters the sun like a jewel and the growing area is transformed into a dazzling array of prismatic colors. 57 kb. Dew on shadecloth
Another example of dew on the shade cloth covering of our growing area. 57 kb. Dew on shadecloth
Cym. Jolygreen is a light yellow flower from the cross of Cym. Jolity 'Golden Heritage' 4N with Cym. Cariga 'Golden' 4N. The flower is about 4 inches across with heavy substance and 11 flowers on the stem as a first bloom seedling and is the first we have bloomed of the cross. 28 kb. Cym. Jolygreen
This Cym. Karen Pepper is one of the first seedlings to flower from the sibling cross of Cym. Karen Pepper 'Embers' with Cym. Karen Pepper 'Cafe au Lait' (LB 685). The full round form seen in most of the Karen Peppers is seen here, along with the clear crystalline white lip characteristic of 'Cafe au Lait'. The flower was about 2.75 inches across with 10 on the stem on a small plant blooming in January 1999. 34 kb. Cym. Karen Pepper
Cym. Mustang Ridge 'Miki' is one of the best of the cross of Cym. Jolity 'Golden Heritage' 4N with Cym. Red Beauty 'Hanny' 4N. The flowers are about 4 inches across with 16 on a 4 foot upright stem. 61 kb. Cym. Mustang Ridge 'Miki'
Cym. Sleeping Dawn (LB 546) is a pure color hybrid between Cym. Sleeping Beauty 'Sarah Jean' with Cym. Sussex Dawn 'Alba White Second'. These plants have been blooming in white to light green color with white lips and up to 15 flowers on a 3 foot stem. 42 kb. Cym. Sleeping Dawn
This unnamed hybrid is the best we have seen bloom out of our cross of Cym. Rincon Fairy 'Raspberry' x Cym. Showoff 'Katie' B/CSA (LB 626). It has 17 flowers 3.25 inches across and bloomed for the first time in January 1999. Many of these have multiple spikes on first blooming. 33 kb. Cym. (Rincon Fairy x Showoff)
Cym. Camouflage Candy (Red Beauty x Radiant Harry) is a free blooming plant with 9 spikes in an 8 inch pot. This is a 4 inch pink with a bright bold lip blooming in early January. It has 2 upright spikes with 10 flowers each on a bulb. 49 kb. Cym. Camouflage Candy
The hybrid Cym. Bo Jangles has produced a number of well formed yellow to reddish and polychrome flowers. This example, like most, produces two spikes of 14 flowers each, 4 inches across on the lead bulb, and blooms in early January. These have been very reliable bloomers. 39 kb.Cym. Bo Jangles
Cym. (Sleeping Dawn x Sussex Dawn) (LB 635) is a hybrid producing 100% pure color flowers. Most have been in the yellow to green shades, with a few whites. This plant flowered the first time in January 1999 with 12 flowers 4.5 inchs across on the spike. 42 kb.Cym. (Sleeping Dawn x Sussex Dawn)

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