This is a photographic review of the some of the new and more interesting things that have come out of our hybridizing program in the 2000 spring and fall season. Most of these plants are seedlings flowering for the first time, and we do not have divisions available for sale at this time. We include them to demonstrate the range of color and form available with modern Cymbidium hybridizing, and to show the progress of hybridizing in new directions. Many of these may be available in the next several years as meristem plantlets. Click on the thumbnail to bring up a larger image (size shown in kilobytes).
This ia plant of a new cross, Cym. Queasy (LB 771) that is flowering for the second time, and was one of the first of the cross to flower. It is a cross of Cym. Applejack 'Solana Beach' by Rolling Stone 'Embers', and is flowering in early December. We have bloomed several as early as mid October this fall, so at least some of the cross are very early, and may be warmth tolerant from the Peter Pan parentage in Rolling Stone. It is about 4 inches across which is pretty good for a third generation ensifolium hybrid. 42 kb. |  |
This ia s first bloom seedling of Cym. Queasy (LB 771) which flowered in early October. The color is a little grainy, but pretty good for something this early flowering. It may be warmth tolerant from the Peter Pan parentage in Rolling Stone, and is also about 4 inches across. 44 kb. |  |
This plant of Cym. (Clarisse Austin x Lady Spring) (LB 741) is one of the first of the cross to flower. We are getting a good number of good reds now as shown here. It is about 4.5 inches across, and flowered in March. 71 kb. |  |
This is another plant of Cym. (Clarisse Austin x Lady Spring) (LB 741) blooming in March. This has a better form and a darker clear red color than the previous example. 67 kb. |  |
Another good red cross is this Cym. (Clarisse Austin x Red Beauty) (LB 720). The color is a deep dark burgundy red with a 5 inch flower on a first bloom seedling. The purple red color of this plant comes from the Red Beauty 'Carmen' 4N parent. 54 kb. |  |
This is another of this good red cross of Cym. (Clarisse Austin x Red Beauty) (LB 720). The color is a medium burgundy red with a 4.5 inch round flower on a first bloom seedling. 60 kb. |  |
This is another example of this good red cross of Cym. (Clarisse Austin x Red Beauty) (LB 720). The color is a bright wine red with a 5 inch flower on a first bloom seedling. 70 kb. |  |
Another similar good red cross is this Cym. (Clarisse Austin x Red Beauty) (LB 728). In this case, Red Beauty 'Prinses Frederika' 4N was the parent which imparts more of a brick red color to the flower. The flower is about 5 inches across on a first bloom seedling. The plants in these two crosses (LB 720 and LB 728) have award potential as well as good breeding potential. 56 kb. |  |
Another very good red cross is Cym. Clarisse Pepper (Clarisse Austin 'Embers' x Claude Pepper 'Buckland's Beach'). Most have been in the wine red to brick red shades and have been about 4 inches across. One of this cross received a Bronze medal at the Tokyo Dome Show in March 2000 on a cut spike. This first bloom seedling is like most of the cross. 69 kb. |  |
This is another of the Cym. Clarisse Pepper cross (LB 648). This is a nice solid brick red color and is about 4 inches across. 69 kb. |  |
The cross of Cym. Devon Ruby (LB 710) (Devon Lord 'Viceroy' x Ruby Eyes 'Red Baron' 4N) has produced some nice red novelty flowers as shown here with this first bloom seedling, blooming in December 1999 with 3 pendant spikes on a very small plant. It is blooming in December 2000, this time with 5 pendant spikes on a truly miniature plant. The flower form is not the best, but it is very free blooming. 42 kb. |  |
Early blooming cymbidiums for growing outdoors is one line of breeding where much improvement is still needed. Most early or warmth tolerant cymbidiums do not have the form or color we have come to expect in the mid season hybrids. We have made a number of crosses of Cym Peter Pan hybrids to try to improve the early season flower quality, and this cross of Cym. Pirate Cove 'Hot Lips' (Floriflame x Rolling Stone) shows some progress. This 3 inch flower with an incredible lip is blooming in November. 39 kb. |  |
Another of the second generation crosses from Cym. Peter Pan is this Cym. (Peter Pepper x Floriflame) 'Midnight'. This first bloom seedling bloomed in October and has an incredible deep wine red color which does not fade with time. It received an AD/AOS in mid November. The 3 inch flower was about 2 months old when this photograph was taken. 38 kb. |  |
We don't grow many hybrids with pendant spike habits because they are so difficult to transport when in flower. This plant of Cym. Foxy Lady 'Nancy' is one of the few we have kept. This plant had 6 pendant spikes with about 100 flowers on its second blooming in a 6 inch scotch pot. 45kb. |  |
This is another of the Cym. Foxy Lady cross (LB 685) with the cultivar name of 'Sweet Lips'. 55 kb. |  |
This first bloom seedling of Cym. Toto (Fuss x Claude Pepper) has exceptionally heavy substance. The lip on a cymbidium is normally flexible and can move up and down, but the lip on this flower does not move at all. Shown at the San Diego show in March 2000 for the first time. 64 kb. |  |
Smoky burgundy is the unusual red color of this first bloom Cym. Howlin' Coyote seedling in the Casa de las Orquideas display. 63 kb. |  |
Most of the crosses of Cym. Kiri Te Kanawa do not breed, but occasionally some seedlings can be obtained, like this great red plant of Cym. (Kiri Te Kanawa x Yowie Flame). 49 kb. |  |
This plant of Cym. Sextiva (Lady Spring x Claude Pepper) is one of the first of the our remake of this cross to flower. The flower is only about 4 inches across, but the color and form are outstanding. 62 kb. |  |
This Cym. Marilyn Levy (Red Beauty 'Carmen' 4N x Ruby Eyes 'Red Baron' 4N) is one of the first seedlings to flower from the cross. The color is a nice red, but the form could be a little better. 43 kb. |  |
Cym. Mouse Eyes (Mighty Mouse 'Minnie' x Ruby Eyes 'Red Baron' 4N) is another dark red novelty cross bred from Cym. Ruby Eyes. 61 kb. |  |
Cym. Mount Vision 'Charm' (Pink Champagne x Tethys) is one of our spotted cymbidiums blooming for the second time with 20 flowers on a 4 foot spike. I really like the spotted cymbidiums like this. The flowers on this diploid cross are about 4 inches across 73 kb. |  |
This first bloom seedling of Cym. Hot Tamale (Robin x Pinata) is one of the first of this cross to flower, and is a very nice spotted flower. 49 kb. |  |
The unlikely cross of Cym. (Valley of Death 'Geyserland' x Red Beauty 'Prinses Frederika' 4N) has produced several very striking flowers like this example. I really like the large lip with the vertical stripes. The 5 inch flower bloomed in March. 39 kb. |  |
We are also doing some work with Zygopetalums. This first bloom seedling of Z. (Artur Elle x River Murray) 'Chocolate' has a nice solid chocolate brown color and a delightful fragrance as well as 4 tall spikes. 59 kb. |  |
This is the second blooming for this Zygo. (Blue Eyes x Titanic) 'Buff'. The flowers are about 3 inches across and have a great full form and an even milk chocolate color and great fragrance. 62 kb. |  |
This is a photo of one of the four full spikes of Zygo. (Blue Eyes x Titanic) 'Buff'. 70 kb. |  |
We have had several of the cross of Zygo. (Blue Eyes x Titanic) bloom out peloric this year. This is one of the peloric forms with flowers about 2.5 inches across. 75 kb. |  |
This is another one of the peloric forms of Zygo. (Blue Eyes x Titanic). These flowers are a little more than 3 inches across, with a nice fragrance. 75 kb. |  |
Another zygo we bloomed out this year is this cross of Zygo. (Titanic x Blackii) with flowers more than 3 inches across. 72 kb. |  |
This is a first bloom seedling of Zygoneria Adelaide Meadows. This plant has a very solid color and a sweet fragrance. 61 kb. |  |